How we can verify blog from

It is easy to verify  and claim any website from but it is very difficult to verify a free blog.  Because everyone know  that being restricted to wordpress free blog services is irritating.  And when we try to verify it from the and we are not success then irritation peaks high.   I am also getting irritated when I was unable to claim my blog from So I make a research and implement a simple technique. So by this trick you can verify your blog. You can use this trick to verify from Alexa or any other services.

Follow these some step to verify your blog from

  • Search your website alexa page rank.
  • Click on claim your website option.
  • When you click on this option a new window will appear on the screen , from this choose Verification Code Method.
  • Then Copy this code and go here in your site dashboard.

Here you will find  fields by name Google Webmaster Tools , Bing Webmaster Center, Pinterest Site Verification as shown in the image.

  • In any of the field put your alexa code and save the changes.

Then  click on the verify button in alexa and claim your website on the

By this simple trick you can verify your blog.

Please tell me is it helpful for you in your comments.

Shared Update Can Be Edited On Facebook

I am writing some of my new experience on Facebook. As the Facebook makes new update day today. I see new update on Facebook.  Now you have no need to delete whole the post if your shared post have any grammatical mistake or any other mistake. Now Facebook allow the Facebooker to edit shared post on the web or android with the functionality rolling out iOS soon.

How you can edit your Post

It is very simple to edit an update post. To edit your post you simply need to click on edit link on the right upper side of the post. A pop-up menu will appear on the screen. Select Edit option from here.

SEM Expert

Naveen Kumar

Once when you select Edit you can quickly edit your update and then save it.

Facebook Update

Once you finish your editing click on the Done Editing. Your post will be edited.

Facebook has added a new functionality in the post if someone is edited a post and then change it  and some time this may be disgusting for us but now this functionality you can also see the edited post by the user.

How you can see Edited History of a Update

To see edited history of any post is very simple. You just need to click on Edited option which is placed with your Visibility of  post option. See Image to better understanding.

Edited History


When you click on Edited option a pop-up will appear on the screen with name Edit History. Here is Your all edit history. It will show all the errors that are edited.

Edited History

Edited History

Importance of Article Marketing

Article marketing is very useful when you want to increase the publicity of your product, publication, services among the online community. It is one of the best quality links building method in search engine optimization. In the Article marketing, first we need to know what an Article is.

Article Marketing

Article Marketing

Here I write two definition of an Article.

  • “An Article is a distinct but integral part of a document (such as a contract, constitution, or statute) identified by a unique number.”


  • “An Article is a Piece of nonfictional writing on a specific topic, identified by its title and often by its author(s), and published with other such literary works.”

Guidelines for writing an Article:

 When you start writing an article you should need to clear in your mind that what you want to describe in your article. Here are some guidelines for article writing.

  • Your article must be Unique and informative. Because Google hate duplicate content.
  • Your article must be effective so visitor can attract to your article.
  • Your article must be more than 400 words and they should be written around a single subject.
  •  Your article must be keyword oriented. Look at your competition to determine what keywords will best serve your needs. For example, if you are providing Internet marketing services, you would find keywords that are related to internet marketing.

Once you have finished writing your article then you need to find article submission website where you can submit your article.  There is thousands of article submission website. I also share here some article submission website.

Sr. No                    Website                                     


 These are some website where you can post your article. You can find more website for Article submission

Benefits of Article Submission:

Article submission is most useful for our website as well as product promotion.  I listed some advantages of article submission here:

  1. It helps to improve SERP Ranking.
  2. It helps to generate traffic on a website.
  3. It helps in increase quality back link to your website.
  4. It helps in increasing the page rank of a website.
  5. It helps to promote a website as well as products or services.

Now Facebook Page Admin able to Upload CustomThumbnail Image for Shared Link

Facebook added new chapter for Facebook admin. As Facebook introduced graph search, open graph tag facility to user.  From today Facebook allow the page admin to upload custom image as thumbnail for the link post.

As we see that when we share any link on the page Facebook automatically pulled an image from the web page you share. But sometime the image, Facebook select is improper or different from the article or webpage you want to share. So Facebook allow page admin to upload any image from their computer as they want. So a proper massage will give by the image and audience will attract to open your link.

How we can upload a Custom Thumbnail for shared link post.

Custom Thumbnail As a Page Admin

Custom Thumbnail As a Page Admin

 When you share a link in your page’s status you will now see an “Upload Image” Option (hyper linked) underneath the image that is pulled along with your shared link.  When you click on “Upload Image” link you will be prompted to upload a file from your computer. Here you can select the image as you want. This will replaced the image that is pulled from shared link. This is an important change by Facebook as it will give full control on the messaging that the user wants to share.

See this image when user share any link as a Admin.

Is this change also for non admin user?

Custom Thumbnail As Regular User

Custom Thumbnail As Regular User

No, this changed functionality is not applicable for non admin user.  This functionality will only work for page admin. Only page admin can upload custom thumbnails. Regular Facebook user  don’t currently have access to this changed functionality. See this image when any regular user share any link.


New Statement: How you can improve your website Ranking

Google make it easy to know useful and valuable information from Google Webmaster Help Tool especially for make a website Google friendly. 

Focus On Quality

Focus On Quality

In recent time most of webmaster and SEO Expert used the simple rule to increase the rank of your website that increases your backlinks from quality websites And over the past few years this is become more tricky so Google start hit websites with poor quality backlinks. Now Google changes the statement for SEO.

The head of Google Web Spam team, Matt Cutt said that focus on website quality not on Quality Backlinks.

Concept of Google Ranking                    

On 16/10/2012 Google updated its statement for ranking, Webmaster or SEO Expert can improve rank of their website by increasing the number of high quality sites that links to your website.”

In this statement it does not matter what quality of your website is?  This statement gave importance only quality backlinks.

But now Google change its statement for Ranking.

On 27/05/2013, Google updated its statement for ranking,” In general, webmasters can improve the rank of their sites by creating high-quality sites that users will want to use and share. “

In this statement it doesn’t matter how many quality backlink your website have. But it is important that how much quality your website have.

So we can say that we should focus on creating high quality website so that user want to spend their time on our website and can share with their friends on social media. Now Social Media is important key to improve the performance of our website on Google.

3 Main SEO Misconceptions

SEO is varying in nature so there are lot of misconceptions among the webmasters and SEO’s.  So to clear these misconceptions Matt Cutt, the head of Google web spam, released another video by name “What are some misconceptions in the SEO industry? “  In this video Matt Cutt describes three topics.

SEO misconceptions


  • First point he describes that most of SEO’s are confused with Google Algorithm and Data refresh. He also defined that Google Algorithm means change in algorithm by updating, modification, addition or deletion of ranking signals. And in the data refresh, there are no changes in the algorithm but 1st update is running again.
  • The Second point he describes that SEO people thinks that Google update their algorithm such as Penguin or Panda to gain short term revenue. But infect Google update their algorithm to eliminate low quality content website from search ranking.
  • The Third Point he describes that SEO most focus on Link Building and search engine instead of increasing the awareness about the website. He added that SEO must focus on social media to increase the visibility and awareness of website among the people.

Here is Matt Cutt’s Video :

Facts about Facebook You Probably Didn’t Know

Today I am going to share some facts about the Facebook that you didn’t know.

Facts about Facebook

  Interesting  Facts about Facebook :

  1. Facebook is primarily blue because Mark Zuckerberg is Color Blind. He has red green color
    blindness and see blue the clearest.
  2. Iceland is rewriting its constitution using Facebook. This is so that all citizens can put forward their suggestions and changes.
  3. Dave Chie, The graffiti artist who can painted Facebook’s first HQ, asked to be paid in stock. This stock is now worth $200 million.
  4. It is estimated that Facebook has a role in 20% divorce cases in the US.25% of Facebook users have been dumped on Facebook.
  5. The first incamation was called Face-mash then the Facebook. was bought for $200000 in August,2005.
  6. If Facebook was a country it would be the third largest in the word, behind China and India. It has over 900 million active users.
  7. 300 million photos are uploaded to Facebook every day. It is home to over 219 billion photos- 4% of all photos ever taken in history.
  8. There are 30 million accounts on Facebook belonging to dead people. There are cases of people being murdered for unfriending others.
  9. In 2006 Chris Putnam hacked Facebook, changing 1000s of profile to a MySpace style. He was hired by Facebook.
  10. Burger King have a campaign for a free Whopper if you unfriendly 10 people. They sent messages to victims to
    let them know they were worth less a burger. The campaign was quickly suspended.

I also share a video here. Must watch it.

How to Change your Email ID in Facebook?

If you want to change your Email ID in Facebook follow the following steps given below.


  1. First of all you need to create a new email id that is not registered on the Facebook.
  2. Now log in with your old Email ID. ( You can only change your Email ID if you are able to log in your FB account. )

After the log in you will be on your home page.

3.   Click on Account settings in the right side of the window.

Change Email ID

Screen 1

After that a new window will appear on the screen.

      4.  Click on Edit Corresponding to Email option.


Screen 2

After click on edit Screen 3 will Display on the Page.


Screen 3

5.  Click on Add Another Email , in the option New Mail, enter your new email id. Now find password option and fill the password. After filling the password, click on Save Changes. 

When you click on save changes your new email id will be added in your account.

A confirmation email will be send you on your new email id. You  need to confirm your email address by clicking on that link which you will receive in the Email.

6. Now again go to your Account settings  ->  Edit(Email) -> Select radio button to change your primary Email ID and fill password then click on Save Changes .

You can Remove your Email Id.

Google Penguin Update 3 & Google Penguin Update 4

Google Penguin is the code name given by Google to its Algorithm update. The First Google algorithm was introduced on April 24, 2012. The main purpose of Google Penguin update is demoting that website on search ranking that violate the Google Webmaster Guidelines such as Keyword Stuffing, Cloaking, Link Exchange, creation of low quality websites by using duplicate content. Google gave a name “Black Hat SEO” for those who didn’t follow the Google Webmaster Guidelines. This Penguin update hit approximately 3.1% English Search Quarries and hit 3% search quarries in other languages like as German, Chinese, and Arabic.

Google penguin

Google Penguin

Difference between Google Penguin 3 and Google Penguin 4

  • Google Penguin 3

Google Penguin 3 was introduced as a “Basic Data Refresh” of Google penguin Spam fighting algorithm on Oct. 5, 2012. It affected search queries across multiple languages. Head of Google Web Spam team matt Cutt Gave some details in his tweets.

  1.  0.3% of English queries affected
  2.  4% of Spanish queries affected.
  3. 0.3% of Italian queries affected.
  4. 0.4% of French queries affected.

Including the original update (Google Penguin 1) late in April , it was the 3rd Update so it is named as Penguin 3 by avoiding the previous 1.1, 1.2 naming methods like as Google panda updates.

  • Google Penguin 4

The link spam fighting Penguin Algorithm 4 was rolled out on May 22, 2013. This update is also announced by Google Link Spam Head Matt Cutt as “Penguin 2.0 or the next generation penguin.”

Matt cut said “This is the fourth Penguin-related launch Google has done, but because this is an updated algorithm (not just a data refresh), we’ve been referring to this change as Penguin 2.0 internally.”

This Update affects about 2.3% of English-US queries that a regular user might notice. This change is rolled out the worldwide and the result vary depending upon the amount of link spam related with different languages. Suppose Spanish language has more link spam – Google Spanish would see a larger comparative to others
Before Google Penguin 4 there was three algorithms released:

  1.  Penguin 1 – Released on 24th April 2012 – It affect 3.1% English queries
  2. Penguin 2 – Released on 24th May 2012 – It affect less than 0.1% English queries
  3. Penguin 3: Released on Oct. 5, 2012 – It affect 0.3% English queries

Before the announcement of Google Penguin, Google released a series of Algorithm known as Google Panda. Google Panda was firstly announced on February 2011. Google Panda was aimed to down ranking of websites that provides poor user experience. The algorithm follows the logic by which Google’s human quality raters determine a website’s quality.